The Club Formerly Known As “The Foodie Club”
And Henceforth Known As “The Foodventurers”
Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2012

Call to
a. Amber called to order the regular meeting of The
Foodventurers at 11:00am at Bravo! Restaurant and Café where we gathered for a
delightful Sunday brunch.
a. Amber
b. Deidre
c. Lindsey
d. Ray
e. Sophie
of Minutes from Last Meeting
a. Lindsey distributed the minutes from the previous meeting
– and on splendiferous green paper, too!
Minutes were reviewed by Amber, Ray, Sophie, and Deidre and were
approved with no edits. Unfortunately,
Martell was not in attendance at this meeting and thus was unable to provide
any feedback this time. ;-P
a. Madame President raised a motion to adopt an official
name for the group – The Foodventurers.
This motion was passed unanimously by all members present.
b. Briefly discussed interested new members – Kyrai and
c. Feeding
Meeting Highlights
a. Lindsey volunteered to take meeting minutes again and
will upload them to the official group blog upon completion:
Remember that all members are free to publish things on
the group blog. The user name is and the password is
b. Also, our server was kind enough to snap a fabulous
group photo!
c. Two words:
Stellar Mimosas
Establishment-Specific Notes
a. We received good, friendly service and were seated at a
nice corner table.
b. The group was impressed overall by the quality and variety
of the buffet-style brunch. We
especially enjoyed the omelet station and the mini waffles! Though, it was noted that there could have
been more light and/or vegetarian options available. The menu was quite heavy and there was a lot
of meat.
c. Best desserts:
Bread Pudding and White Chocolate Mousse
Business for Next Meeting
a. We officially have a Facebook group for The
Foodventurers! Use it. Use it often.
b. The idea of having an official Foodventurers t-shirt
has been proposed and Lindsey has started playing around with some concepts on There is a need to
discuss ideas for the shirt design – things like t-shirt color, potential logo,
names or nicknames on the back, etc.
VIII. Other News
a. Sophie, our pre-doc intern extraordinaire, provided an
update on her new life at Michigan State University’s Counseling Center in
b. Ray is going through the internship application process
this semester. At this time, all of his
application materials are submitted and now he is playing the waiting
game. We all wish him the very best of
c. Deidre shared some very exciting personal news!
d. Lindsey and Amber have been watching a lot of My Little
Pony: Friendship is Magic and now refer
to themselves as Pegasisters.
a. Ray, referring to the Seafood Salad: “That looks like it’s swimming in a bucket of
b. Sophie, talking about her mini waffle: “That whadn’t no Eggo!”
c. Deidre:
“And please let it go on the record that Ray has agreed to drop his
pants for me.”
d. Sophie announces that she has been thinking about getting
a cat for her Lansing apartment. Ray: “You say that like you’re buying a
lamp.” Lindsey: “But it’s gotta match the couch! And the cat stays with the apartment, as do
the appliances!”
e. Sophie:
“I am now a Spartan. I’ve shed my
Bronco identity. Lindsey: “Yeah, that doesn’t take long – just leave
for a couple days.”
f. Deidre:
Get the phone! Get the
phone! Ray: “That was nervous.”
g. Amber, referring to Deidre’s phone case: “I’ve been wanting to touch that for the past
ten minutes.”
h. Lindsey, doing the word vomit gesture as she
says this: “I can say folks, but as I
say it… I’m like, this isn’t me.”
a. Meeting at Bravo! Restaurant and Café was adjourned by
Madame President.
b. Ray volunteered to create a Doodle in order to schedule
our next tasty meeting.
Minutes submitted by:
Minutes approved by: Amber, Deidre, Ray, and Sophie (12/8/12)
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